Thursday, May 10, 2012

Charlie's Pre-K Graduation

Man, oh man, I am feeling old. And not because I am old (thank you very much, Nathaniel...who will very soon be the same age as me again!), but because Charlie is officially a kindergartner, come August 1st!! We had his Pre-K graduation last night at Freedom Middle School and it was a very long, somewhat entertaining production. I'm not saying I could have done it better because I don't think it would be very easy to entertain (66) 4 and 5 years olds for an hour and a half (not to mention all of their siblings and cousins that were up way past their bedtime....because there were a lot of people there).  We got to see them walk across the stage and receive their diplomas, take part in a couple songs, and re-live a few of their happy memories over the last year in a slideshow put to sad music that would make any parent cry!  I remember when Charlie was born and he was so fussy and cranky from reflux or colic or whatever you want to call it.  The days couldn't go by fast enough.  And then I remember not being able to wait until he made it to each milestone....that when he could sit up it would get easier, or when he could walk it would be better or talking would definitely make a difference.  Like one of those things was going to magically make being a parent a little bit easier! Ha!  My Mom would say, "Don't rush it, it comes and goes faster than you can imagine.  Try to enjoy it."  That was hard to hear during one of his crying marathons as an infant.  But slowly it did get better and easier in some ways, harder in others.  And before I knew it, he was starting pre-school and then Pre-K.  And come August 1st, he will enter the front doors of Sixes Elementary School (where he has informed me you don't have to be six years old to go :), where he will begin the next 6 year journey of his life.  It's like I am now the parent of a child that has "chapters" in his own life.  Crazy.  So, as my Mom said, it does go by fast and I am going to do my very best to try and enjoy each and every little moment I can. We are honestly so blessed that God chose us to be the parents of such a smart, handsome, caring young man.  We couldn't be prouder!

 (Sophie and Jalyn....two of his best buds)
 (Ms. Rodriguez)
 (Ms. Griffis)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Odds & Ends

One of the very main reasons I wanted to do this blog is so that I could post random things (sayings, stories, new developmental milestones, etc.) that the kids are into at that time.  We've already forgotten so many of them that I don't want to let another one get away :)  So, sorry.... this may be boring to anyone that is not a parent of Charlie or Hayden Welch.


First of all, Hayden FINALLY started pedaling a tricycle.  BIG news in our household!  At the ripe old age of 3 years 2 months, Hayden can finally pedal "her bike" and she is very excited about that fact as well.

 This is the smile we usually get for pics.....
This is the smile we want!


The 2 stories I want record of are fondly known in our household as the "meat" story and the "I love Publix" story.  Charlie had a field trip to Publix a week or so ago.  The field trip was to help them learn more about their community. They got to see the inner workings of the store....the bakery, seafood dept and apparently the deli/meat dept, which is where the first story comes into play.  Apparently they gave them hairnets to go in the deli/meat dept. When Nate picked Charlie up, he said he couldn't quit laughing at Charlie in his hairnet....that he wouldn't take off.  When Nate asked him why they had to wear hairnets, Charlie said, "So they wouldn't get meat in their hair!" I mean duh, Daddy.  Why else would you wear a hairnet?!  Geez. Seriously, we are still laughing about it. He proceeded to tell me that if I needed any help buying or cooking meat, he would put on his hairnet and help me!  Second story starts in the middle of Kroger's produce dept (what can I say...we love us some grocery stores :) a few days after his field trip.  We heard the thunder noise that usually means the sprinklers are going to come on and wet the veggies.  But this particular time, there was thunder, followed by nothing.  Charlie explained to Hayden that she didn't need to worry, he knew how to make it rain.  He said when they were at Publix, the lady showing them around had them yell out, "I love Publix" and the sprinklers came on.  So, I'm sure you can imagine how this story ends.  Before I could say, "No, no....that might be weird, we're in Kroger, let's say we love Kroger instead."  Both of them start to yell out that they love Publix.  It was great...embarassing....but great :)


Hayden -
 "I think so"....answers this if she doesn't know something I'm asking her about.  
 "I not know"....same as above, but shrugs her shoulders this certain way that I love.
 "Charlie, Charlie"....loves to say everybody's name twice for emphasis.
 "I not"'s at least 5 syllables when she says it. Says this constantly when we tell her not to do something.
"I know"....once again, 5 syllables. Says this is you try to tell her ANYTHING.
"You're my bestfriend"...we love this and constantly try to get her to say it.                      

Charlie - 
 "Oh my gosh"....says this about everything right now.
 "Can I play on your phone?"....says to Nate CONSTANTLY.
 "Can we play Mario?"....obsessed w/ Super Mario Bros, especially watching Nate play.


-Hayden's teacher for the last year has been Ms.  Barbara...she loves her. 
-Hayden just started talking more in daycare.
-Charlie's asks everyday if I am picking him up from school or if he is after-school.
-Charlie always wants to know "if Mommy is going to make it home" after work on Mondays/Fridays.
-Hayden definitely thinks Lola's official name is "Lola Bean"
-Charlie always wants to know if that day is Show and Tell at school.
-Charlie is so excited to start kindergarten.
-He constantly asks when we are going to the beach.
-He loves taking "the long way" thru the neighborhood.
-Hayden still loves her blankie and 2 fingers.
-They both love to help with the garden.
-They both love going to Home Depot w/ Nate the first Saturday of the month.
-Charlie is obsessed w/ his new bike helmet.
-They can't wait for the pool to open.
-Charlie is starting to read more and more every day. Lots of sight words.
-His teacher said he would get the "Bachelor" award for this year in his class.
-Hayden loves her hair in pigtails right now and loves her purple crocs.
-Charlie's favorite colors right now: orange, blue, golden.
-Hayden's is still purple.
-She loves to help me clean.
-Hayden calls little fruit snacks "Yummies", instead of "Gummies".
-"Poo Poo Platter"....enough said.
-You are My Sunshine...Hayden's Favorite

Tee Ball - Spring 2012

Charlie is on his 3rd season of tee ball. And as we are coming up on his final game, I wanted to post some pictures of my Tiger in action.  We have seen so much improvement with each passing season, but this one was especially noticeable, as they were mainly pitched to by the coaches, hitting off a tee only after missing 5 or so pitches.  For the most part, Charlie hardly ever hit off the tee.  He had a great stance at the plate and would usually hit one of the first few pitches.  They are going to be recording outs for the last 2 games, and after the game today, he only got out 1 time (he was VERY proud of this fact when he told me).  He is by far the most well-behaved in the dug-out (not just our opinion, but the opinion of several other parents on the team....which is always nice...makes you feel like you might be doing something right :), and even though he may not be THE most skilled player on the field, he definitely makes up for it with heart.  He continues to work hard....getting better on fielding the ball, throwing forcefully and accurately, and just picking up on the rules of the game.  If nothing else, we want him to learn how to be a part of a team and learn good sportsmanship.  We think that it is very important for him to learn that even though you may not always win, you still need to go out there, do your best and most of all.....have fun!

The Zoo

Last April we got Season Passes to the zoo.  We had been waiting until Hayden got old enough for us all to enjoy going.  We probably made it there at least 4-5 times over the last year, with this past weekend being the final time.  We've loved going each and every time, so we will probably be renewing them sometime in the near future. Until then, wanted to post a few pictures of our most recent adventure.

 (These cut-outs are all over the zoo...the kids fight to stick their little heads in the holes first.)
 ( They love sitting in this giant bird nest above...pretending to be birds.)
 (Hanging out w/ the Gorillas above.)

(I think the kids love seeing the animals....obviously, but I think what they will always remember are the train rides and carousel rides.  That is by far their favorite part of the zoo...and probably mine and Nate's as well.)